Friday, January 21, 2011

Shooting Still Life: Jan 22 (Week 3)

This week in class we will be looking at different ways to shoot still life. We will practice shooting food, drinks, jewelry and other small objects. Remember to shoot at a low # F stop (like F2.8) if you want a shallow depth of field (blurry background). Remember to have your ISO at about 200 or 400 so that the image doesn't look grainy. If you are using a window to light your subject from the side, you may have to use a tripod or balance your camera on something to avoid motion blur. Instead of a window light, you can also use a desk lamp or clamp light from Home Depot ($9):

Side Lit (natural light/ window):

Back Lit by Window:

Diffused Flash:
hold a tissue over your flash or a piece of paper at an angle in front of the flash to direct the light upwards instead of directly AT your subject...

Comparison of direct flash VS diffused flash:

Fill in Shadows:
When side lighting an object, you can fill in the shadow side with a piece of white paper.

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